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Lead Distribution Software, Call Routing and Ping Post

What Is boberdoo?

boberdoo.com stands as a premier SaaS solution tailored for the lead generation industry. Our clients are companies that provide a valuable service to the consumer, helping connect them to relevant service providers in real time and without abuse.

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Our solution is utilized by companies that sell leads, buy leads, and others looking to ensure the proper lead gets into the right person’s hands to deliver the best consumer experience. We provide innovative tracking, routing, and automation solutions for traditional matchmaking companies and a bidding platform with sophisticated AI models for advanced lead buyers.

Since 2001, boberdoo has been at the forefront of innovation, consistently enhancing the lead generation landscape. We prioritize security, compliance, and support in our software, offering a customizable solution that adapts to your business, not the other way around. In the complex world of lead generation, your lead distribution software should be the least of your worries. Choose boberdoo and focus on what truly matters - growing your business.

Lead (1)-1

All-In-One Lead Distribution Platform

Whether you are a 1-man organization or a company that generates thousands of leads per day, our lead distribution software, equipped with powerful analytics and backed by AI models, will save countless hours and position you to maximize your revenue on every lead.

  • Real-Time Lead Distribution
  • Multiple Distribution Logic Variations
  • Custom CRM and LMS Integrations
  • Unique Filtering Options For Each Buyer
  • Unlimited Admin, Partner and Vendor Logins
  • Multiple Billing Options
  • Advanced API Options For Seamless Integration
Call Routing

Call Routing

Whether you've been routing and selling calls for years or you're looking to expand your lead portfolio to include calls as well, you can do no better than boberdoo.

  • Smart Call Routing
  • Live Transfers
  • Offer a Full Lead Portfolio
  • Custom IVRs
  • Advanced Campaign Options
  • International Routing
Ping Post / Ping Tree Software

Ping Post / Ping Tree Software

The entire lead generation industry is transitioning to ping post lead distribution due to its benefits to lead buyers, lead sellers and the consumers themselves. We specialize in helping lead companies get up and running with ping post distribution as well as building the custom deliveries that allow you to post your leads into your buyer's CRM or lead management system. 

  • Dynamic Bidding
  • Ping Post Margins
  • Advanced Options
  • Basics of Ping Post
  • Selling Ping Post Leads
  • Buying Ping Post Leads
Ai (2)

AI-Driven Lead Buying

Our AI model optimizes your lead buying strategy by offering dynamic bidding, automated adjustments, and predictive analytics. It learns from past performance to adjust bids, ensuring you're not overpaying for leads, and it updates bid prices automatically, saving you time.  With a risk-free and time-efficient design, our AI model is constantly evolving to align with the changing dynamics of the lead generation industry, helping you stay competitive in the market.

  • Dynamic Bidding
  • Automated Adjustments
  • Industry-Specific Segmentation
  • Increased Profits
  • Risk-Free and Time-Efficient


Automation (2)-1

Automate Your Lead Business

In the fast-paced world of lead generation, automation is not just a luxury, it's a necessity. With boberdoo's advanced features, you can streamline various aspects of your lead business. From real-time lead and call routing to automated invoicing and outbound marketing, our platform is designed to automate tasks, freeing you to focus on growth and strategy. With features like timed reports and system notifications, you stay informed, while our form builder and custom delivery options further enhance automation. Let boberdoo help you automate your lead business for optimal efficiency and growth.

  • Automated Invoicing and Re-Billing
  • Automated Email Reporting - Timed Reports
  • Form Builder
  • Custom Deliveries
  • System Notifications
lead QC - Quality Checks

Seamless Integrations for Enhanced Efficiency

In the interconnected world of SaaS, leveraging integrations is key to unlocking maximum efficiency and value. With boberdoo, you can utilize a wide range of integrations that can significantly enhance your lead generation and distribution processes.

  • leadQC - Lead Quality Checks
  • Third-Party API Calls
  • Contact Verification Solutions
  • Fraud Detection Measures
  • Real-Time Data Access
  • Automated Follow-ups

Innovating And Improving The Lead Industry Since 2001

boberdoo.com is a reliable software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider for the lead generation and online marketing industries. Our flexible lead distribution software allows you to track, route and bill for web leads and calls. Our system also comes fully equipped with ping post technology and call routing capabilities. We are also the #1 lead distribution software when it comes to companies looking to scale their business. There are a lot of things to worry about in this business but your software does not have to be one of them.


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