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Lead Source Definitions

Below are the lead source definitions for your boberdoo.com system.  These switches and features can be accessed at Settings>Source/Vendor Settings>Update Source.  To view a video explanation of the boberdoo.com lead sources, please click here.

Source Name

This is your main tracking variable that allows you to identify from where the lead is coming. It is used for tracking and routing purposes. The Source Name is referred to as “SRC” in code. Examples: Google, CommissionJunction, Affiliate123-Email.


This dropdown allows you to associate a specific vendor with the leads from this lead source. When a vendor is logged into the Vendor Admin section, they can see all the leads from the SRCs they are attached to

Is Active

This switch makes the lead source eligible to send leads through the boberdoo system when yes is selected. If no is selected, the system will respond back with an error.

Manual Review Check

This switch determines whether a lead is automatically processed and distributed to lead buyers or if it is held up at the Leads tab until some further action is taken internally. boberdoo clients that have staff to verify/qualify leads utilize this feature although others use it to spot check 3rd party lead sellers for quality control.

leadQC Check

This switch determines whether the option add-on, leadQC, is used for this lead. leadQC is an automated system that checks the data points submitted by the lead against 30+ databases and scores the lead. Those that fail are automatically placed into manual review (see "Manual Review Check" above). The dropdown shows different packages depending on what fields are collected for that lead type. Some boberdoo clients use leadQC on every lead, some only in certain lead types and others use it to help determine the quality of 3rd party traffic.

leadQC Process Lead

If "Yes" is selected on leadQC Check, this switch will override the placement of a lead that failed leadQC into manual review and follow normal distribution rules.

Append Result

If "Yes" is selected on LeadQC Check, this switch will return the results of the LeadQC check in the response back to the lead seller.

Lead Cost

Enter the price-per-lead that you are paying to the lead seller. For example, if you are paying a 3rd party $5.00 per lead, enter $5.00 here. *For ping post dynamic sellers: enter $0.00

Set Unmatched Leads Cost to $0

If set to "Yes", any post that comes into your system and shows on your Leads page as Unmatched, will have it's Cost value reset to 0.00

Is Call Center SRC?

This feature has been discontinued.

Call Center Working Hours

This feature has been discontinued.

Partners Per Lead

Enter the maximum number of times you want to sell a lead from this source here. For exclusive only leads, enter 1. For non-exclusive leads, this field may also be referred to as legs or slots. This field can be overridden in a partner's filter set using the "Exclusivity" dropdown.

Delivery Timeout? (Post)

This is the time (in seconds) you have to return a response when a lead is posted. The value of this field needs to be discussed and agreed upon between you and your vendor. If this is an internal or non-ping post source, enter 60.

Ping Delivery Timeout

This is the time (in seconds) you have to return a response when a lead is pinged into the boberdoo system. The value of this field needs to be discussed and agreed upon between you and your vendor. If this is an internal or non-ping post source, enter 60.

IP Check

This switch determines whether the system will check the IP of the lead against an allowed or denied IP list.

Use Guessed Values

If this is set to Yes, then the system will automatically attempt to "guess" if a bad value is submitted. For example, if the allowed values list for a field is "Yes" or "No", and the lead comes in the with "Y", it would attempt to correct it to "Yes". *This is a programmatic guess, so remember that it is not 100% accurate and you should make sure your vendors/sources are submitting the correct values according to your specs under Settings > Lead Types

Is Hidden

This switch will remove the lead source from all views in Source/Vendor Settings, partner filter sets, and reports. it does not remove leads from this source from the Leads tab. This is as close to deleting a source as you can.

Success/Error Response

This switch changes the response by the system from Matched/Unmatched/Error to only Success/Error. Only select "Yes" if you have a 3rd party lead seller that requires the word "success" in the response. We recommend contacting client services prior to activating.

Manual Review is Considered a Success?

Used only when Success/Error Response is set to yes, this switch will return a success response even if the source has Manual Review Check set to yes. If no is selected, the system responds with error.

LeadQC Reject is Considered a Success?

Used only when Success/Error Response is set to yes, this switch will return a success response even if the lead fails LeadQC. If no is selected, the system responds with error.

Allow Using "Return_Best_Price" Parameter in PingPost API

If you are paying your vendor dynamically for each lead, this must be set to "Yes" or "Yes, but sold non-exclusively". This switch tells the boberdoo system to compare the bids of eligible filter sets, carve out a profit margin and respond back to the lead seller with your best bid. *For ping post dynamic sellers only.

If "No" is selected, the system will not perform this action.
If "Yes" is selected, the system will take the best single bid and return it back to the seller. If the lead fails on the post to the partner with the original best bid, an error response is returned.
If "Yes, but sold non-exclusively" is selected, the system will take the best single bid and return it back to the seller. If the lead fails on the post to the partner with the original best bid, the system will attempt to sell the lead to the next highest bid. Warning: Selecting this option may result in a lead selling for less that the lead cost if higher bidding buyers reject the post. This option is generally used for Clients who sell the lead multiple times.

Allow Using "Return_Lead_Cost" Parameter in PingPost API

If you are paying your vendor dynamically for each lead, this must be set to "Yes" or "Yes, but sold non-exclusively". This switch tells the boberdoo system to compare the bids of eligible filter sets, carve out a profit margin and respond back to the lead seller with your best bid. *For ping post dynamic sellers only.

If "Yes" is selected, this will return back the static value that is set in this SRC's "Cost" field in that same popup.

Maximum Best Price Offer Limit

This field allows you to cap your bids back to a lead seller at a specific amount. This ceiling is a protective measure in case of a typo in the Lead Price of a filter set but can also be used to increase profit margins if a maximum bid to win the lead is known.

Source Label
SRC Labels are optional ways to classify or segment SRCs.

Phone Transaction 4


Premium Vendor Margin

This feature sits at the end of the profit margin calculation and give you the ability to add or subtract from the resulting bid that is calculated from the partner filter set. You can set the premium vendor margin to be percent value or absolute dollar value. *Only for use when "Allow Using "Return_Best_Price" Parameter in PingPost API" is set to yes or yes, but sold non-exclusively. The formula is: [Offer for Vendor] = [Lead Price] - [Profit Margin] + [Premium Vendor Margin]

Example 1: A lead price is $10 and profit margin is 50% and premium vendor margin is 15% then [Offer for Vendor] = $10 - $5 + $1.5 = $6.50
Example 2: You set premium vendor margin to -20% then [Offer for Vendor] = $10 - $5 + (-$2) = $3

Ignore Profit Margin

If this is set to "No", then a lead will never sell if the Cost is greater than the Price. If set to "Yes", this switch will override the profit margin calculation and sell a lead even if the Cost is greater than the Lead Price.

Response Type

This switch determines what kind of response the boberdoo system returns on a lead submission. You can find more information on responses in each lead type's posting specifications by clicking here.

Display Total Price for Short Response

This switch will include the total sale price of the lead in the response. We recommend contacting client services prior to activating.

Allow Using "Skip_Dupe_Check" Parameter in Request

If this is set to "Yes", then it will allow the Vendor/Source to submit "Skip_Dupe_Check=1", which will override the default duplicate check for that lead. We recommend contacting client services prior to activating.

Delete Unmatched Leads After Processing

If set to "Yes", any post that comes into your system and does not sell, will be deleted/removed from view automatically. Please note, there is not a way to view these leads if this setting is enabled. They are deleted completely.

Allowed IP List

This feature gives you the ability to only allow leads from the lead source to be submitted from specific IP addresses.

Denied IP List

This feature gives you the ability to allow leads from the lead source to be submitted from all IP addresses except the ones entered.

Send Back Lead

This switch gives you the ability to notify the vendor associated with a lead when a lead is either declined and/or refunded. If selected, the Lead Delivery Type is the method by which you want to notify the vendor. The delivery options are the same for a vendor as for a partner in that lead type (i.e. HTML email or a custom delivery).