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Filter Set Definitions

Below are the filter set definitions for your boberdoo.com system.

Filter Set Definitions

Filter Set name
The filter set name is used only for your internal reference. Many of our clients keep a consistent naming convention or specify the filter set rules in the name. e.g. “Home Improvement (Roofing, Chicago, 10 mi, $30)”.
Lead Price
This is the amount that your buyer is paying for the lead. If your buyer is bidding dynamically, set this to zero.
Profit Margin Type(Ping Post Only)
This allows you to select how you want to carve your margin from your buyer’s bid. The Fixed option allows you to take a static dollar amount off of each bid. The Variable option allows you to carve your margin on a percentage basis and create a profit margin matrix. (See below.)
Profit Margin (Ping Post Only)
This is used with the Fixed Profit Margin Type. Enter your margin as a dollar amount here.
Profit Margin Matrix (Ping Post Only)
This is used with the Variable Profit Margin Type. Build out your price ranges and the percentage you want to carve out for each.
Default Profit Margin (%) (Ping Post Only)
This is used with the Variable Profit Margin Type. This is the default profit margin percentage that you will carve out of any bids that do not fall within the price ranges outlined in your Profit Margin Matrix.
Partner Ring To (Inbound Phone Only)
All calls that match to this filter set will route to this number.
Maximum Concurrent Calls (Inbound Phone Only)
This is the maximum amount of calls that this buyer can receive at the same time.
Inbound Phone Routing Per Minute Fee (Inbound Phone Only)
This is an optional per-minute fee that you can charge your buyer.
Minimum Number Of Minutes For A Successful Call (Inbound Phone Only)
This is the amount of time (in minutes) that the call has to last before it is deemed successful and then billed for.
Record Phone Calls (Inbound Phone Only)
This switch tells the system whether to record the calls going to this buyer.
Use Default Routing For Failed Calls (If "No", Charge For Call No Matter What) (Inbound Phone Only)
When this switch is activated, all calls that fail will be routed to the default number (set in Phone Routing tab). If this switch is set to “No”, make sure your Ring Timeout (below) is also set to 0s. If “No”, this means that the call will continue ringing until either the lead hangs up, the buyer’s voicemail/IVR picks up, or someone answers the phone. This setting is used when you have buyers who do not answer the phone. Setting this switch will allow you to charge the buyer for that call as soon as it attempts to them. It is the buyer’s responsibility to pick up the phone at that point.
Ring Timeout (Inbound Phone Only)
The amount of time (in seconds) that the call will ring to this buyer and wait for an answer before trying to route it to the next available buyer.
Filter Set Notes
This note section is for your internal use. Your buyer cannot see your notes.
Accepted Lead Sources
This is where you select the sources that this specific buyer accepts leads from.
Lead Delivery Setup
This is where you select and set up your lead delivery options. Our standard deliveries include HTML, Excel, PDF, Plain Text, and Short Text Emails. Any custom deliveries we build for you (or you build yourself) will also appear in the dropdown menu once completed.
Additional Delivery Option
Use this switch to add an additional delivery option if you have used all the available slots in the section above.
Custom Email Sender
Use this to customize the "From" line in the email delivery.
Match Priority
This tool allows you to raise or lower the priority of your buyer. Filter sets with higher priorities get the first chance at purchasing each lead. All filter sets default to Match Priority 5. For all filter sets with the same priority, the system will match on a round-robin basis meaning that the buyer that has gone the longest time between receiving a lead, gets the first chance to purchase the next. (Match Priority is only considered if a lead matches more than one filter set in your system. For ping post, this is only considered if more than one of your buyers return an identical bid.)
This setting handles the lead exclusivities which tell the system how many times a lead can sell if matched to a buyer. There are four options for setting exclusivity:

    None - This will follow the rules set at the “Partners Per Lead” setting at the SRC level.
    Exclusive - When a lead matches to a filter set that is set as “Exclusive”, this means that they are the only buyer to get this lead (a maximum of 1 sell). The system will not sell the lead again. This setting overrides the "Partner Per Lead" setting in your source settings.
    Semi-Exclusive - When a lead matches to a filter set that is set as “Semi-Exclusive”, this means that this buyer will get the lead, and then only 1 other buyer can get it (a maximum of 2 sells).
    Non-Exclusive - When a lead matches to a filter set that is set to “Non-Exclusive”, this means the lead will only sell if there is at least one other buyer that will also get this lead (a minimum of 2 sells). If there is not another buyer that matches the lead, the lead will be Unmatched.
Your Lead Limit Per Day
The maximum amount of leads this buyer can accept per day.
Your Lead Limit Per Calendar Week
The maximum amount of lead this buyer can accept per week. *If this limit is reached then the Lead Limit Per Day is ignored.
Your Lead Limit Per Calendar Month
The maximum amount of leads this buyer can accept per month. *If this limit is reached then the Lead Limit Per Day is ignored.
Time Zone
This lets you select the timezone that your buyer uses. This influences the lead limits and lead scheduler for this filter set.
Days/times you accept leads?
This allows you to create a schedule of times that your buyer accepts leads. You can add additional rows by clicking the + button. Finally, you can associate a specific price for each timeframe. This price will override the Lead Price value. Dates/Times when leads should not be posted to Partner This allows you to specify exact dates and times that your buyer will not accept leads. You can use this on a one-off basis to override your Days/times scheduler. This is generally used for national holidays so that you do not have to manually turn off their account on those days.
Do you accept "manually reviewed" leads?
This switch lets you specify whether your buyer accepts leads that were put into manual review upon entering the system. Custom Filter Options* Your custom filter options are specific to each of your lead types. You will be able to filter on all fields that are required and filterable within the system. If you would like to add a field or make one required and filterable, please open a support ticket.