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Setting Up a Web Campaign


Build Your Web Campaign

To build your web campaign, Click the “Add Web Campaign” button at the top of the page to get started. First name your campaign and add the landing page value in this format: https://www.<yourlandingpage>.com. If you are using click tracking, enter the click url which you’ve created in Step 1 (https://www.<yourclickdomain>.com/click.php)and click on “Check” button to verify correct placement of click.php. If you do not want to use click tracking enter a dummy URL and click “Next Step”. Now you should be able to add pixels for each Source.

The pixel is then included in the response based on which campaign type you select. If using a boberdoo form, the pixel will fire once the form is submitted.

If you are not using a boberdoo form, the pixel is included in the response and you have to “echo” it on your confirmation page. Because the pixel no longer resides on the Thank-You page, but is dependent on an action in boberdoo, we can only include the pixel in the XML response. You have to grab the pixel from the response and fire it from wherever you log the XML response.

XML Response Example:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?><response> <status>Matched</status> <lead_id>69</lead_id> <tracking_pixel>TRACKING_PIXEL_URL</tracking_pixel> </response>

If you are not using boberdoo click tracking, you can still include pixels in the response at your specified time, with one workaround. The required fields without click tracking are Landing_Page and SRC. In order to have the pixel included in the response for a specific source, the Landing_Page value has to match the Landing_Page value in the web campaign that contains that SRC’s pixel.


For example, let’s assume you set up a Web Campaign with  the landing page value: www.abc.com

The click link generated is:

You would change it to:
