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Braintree Definitions Guide


If you’re using Braintree as your merchant account in boberdoo, you will need to enable it and fill out some required information. Below are definitions for all of the settings you can find under Settings>Add Funds Settings>Braintree.

Min. Amount ($): The minimum payment that can be processed through the Braintree payment gateway.

List Of Amounts ($): If instead of an open text box where the buyer can enter in any number, you can set a “list” of amounts that will appear in a dropdown option.

Environment: Must be set to LIVE for actual payments to work. TEST gateway may require different credentials. Please consult with Braintree for more details.

Merchant ID
Public Key
Private Key
These are 3 unique values that can be found within your Braintree login. It can be found under Account > My User, then scroll down to “API Keys, Tokenization Keys, Encryption Keys” and click “View Authorizations”.

Payment Description: This is the text that will appear on the Buyer’s Credit Card statement.

The auto rebilling and recurring charges options can be found described in detail here.

Add custom text for Add Funds page in Partner section or leave empty: The content will be placed above the input form of the Add Funds page. You can utilize HTML coding to make the page display in the style/formatting that you’d like.

If you have any questions please open up a ticket or a support chat.